Frontiers in Sensors is No Incompatibility between the Mass of Photons and the Speed of Light and This is Demostrated by Two Equations of the Author2017-0<p class="abstract">There is No Incompatibility between the Mass of Photons and the Speed of Light and This is Demostrated by Two Equations of the Author</p><ul><li>Pages 1-11</li><li>Author Pasquale Acquar</li><li>Abstract In this paper I present some equations of the Author that show that the photons are materials corpuscles with an their internal structure that, despite the mass, they move at the speed of light. Until now, Science considers it impossible that a particle with mass can move at the speed of light. The equations, proposed in this work, demonstrate, among other things, that the photons, characterized by all the properties which I have identified, are moving at the speed of light. These corpuscles obey the law of black body of Stefan-Boltzmann and, even though they have mass, they move to velocity of light. Know the density of a photon that varies as a function of its frequency is of fundamental importance for the physical because it allows to understand how the photon behaves in small cavities, inside of optical fibers and even within very confined spaces. Photons with these characteristics develop their variable electromagnetic field within its structure. The sinusoidal variation of the field is explained by the fact that the field produces its maximum intensity in the vicinity of the two opposite charges [1] and maintains its zero value at half the distance between the two charges. If the electromagnetic field is developed within the photon, it is because each photon manifests its dual nature of wave and particle at the same time. We observe now that the photons that have mass and density proportional to their frequency allows us to understand why ionizing radiation have very high capacity of penetration. But if the photons have a mass and a density, they can become very special particles. In fact, if their frequency becomes infinitely high, they buy the property of a singularity that can be treated with the author’s equations. These singularities are extremely important because they explain the origin of the universe and the singularities present in the holes blacks.</li></ul> in Sensors