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SEP serves many of the world’s leading research and academic societies. We are currently establishing an international catalogue which covers academic conferences, workshops, and events of all disciplines.


Editors play the most important role in transforming a manuscript into a high-quality journal article. It is our intention to help you as much as possible, serving you with sincere personal assistance. We truly require the utmost ethical appreciation and due diligence of our editors, believing that high standards reap rich results.


      (1) The applicant must have a PhD (doctoral) degree.
      (2) The applicant must be a professor of an accredited academic institution.
      (3) The applicant must have extensive experience in his/ her specified research field.


(1) Unbiased consideration is required of the editor. Discrimination regarding gender, religion, ethnicity, race, political affiliation,et cetera is strictly prohibited.
(2) All manuscripts should be processed in a timely manner.
(3) The contents of any manuscript under consideration (those not of public knowledge) must not be disclosed to anyone other than the referees.
(4) If there is a conflict of interest, the editor should be forthcoming and honest. Avoiding all such situations where his judgment will be affected by relationships rather than paper quality.
(5) If a paper published in an editor's journal is found to be erroneous, the errors should be subsequently corrected. The editor should work prudently to correct the error (any false or misleading information).
(6) Acceptance or rejection of any paper submitted is the sole responsibility of the editor.
(7) Any other use of a papers'content by the editor for his personal gain (financial or otherwise) is likewise prohibited.